"Those little floating bits of stuff inside your eyes? We did that.
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Nifty News & Decent Deals
<- (Updated 3-5 Times/Day!)
New Update:
Oh, you want more? Then a fresh Handy Surefire Business Tactic you shall have! Will Skippy return anytime soon? Perhaps, perhaps...
Old Updates:
Happy 2004, everyone! Just when you thought we had packed it in for good, I went and added another Handy Surefire Business Tactic. Sassy. I haven't spoken with Skippy in awhile, but the word on the street is that Skippy might be primed for a comeback. We'll see.
Still alive, still no redesign. We're shooting for 2006 on that. Until then, I added another Handy Surefire Business Tactic.
Thanks for all the emails, and no, we're not dead! Maybe 2003 will bring that elusive total redesign. But instead of holding our breath, let's read some fresh fortune cookies, shall we?
Oh, what's that? That. Over in the corner. Why, I think it's a new article. Maybe you should read it.
More amusing fortune cookies have been added. Some lame ones have also been tacked on, but it's up to your to decide what's what.
Guess who stopped by this weekend? Why, the famed person behind Ask Skippy, that's who! And now there are 20 new questions and answers posted for your amusement! Thanks to a certain girl for the assistance.
I got another set of ducks in the mail. Up on the duck page they go. Thanks guys! Oh, and I should have some new content posted in the next day or two.
Hey there! Be sure to sign the Guestbook with your comments! Thanks...
The following sections could use a graphic, and I'll get around to it some
Until then, the following are Homeless Links. Trust me, they're funny,
they just don't have a fancy graphic.
-The Niftyness Report #6-
-Fortune Cookies-
-Take a peek at
this check I got-
-Ask Skippy Link Phrases-
-Find The Black Dot-
-Tribute to the North Mariana Islands-
-Epileptic Seizure Fun-
-Adventure #4
panels- -What is that thing?- -Send
me a Duck!-
-Three Dimensional Tic Tac Toe-
-Refer-a-friend- -Candle of Perfection-
-Elvis is Dead-
-T.R.O.N. candy-
-Handy Surefire Business Tactics-
-Downloadable Soundland-
-Nothing Better To Do- -Which Tank Girl Cast Member Am I?-
-Another Reason to Thank...-
I hope you enjoy....
Click above for the L.G.E.
out? Feeling sad? Try the Mood
Enhancing Machine!
Please Feel Overly Privileged to Peruse Some of my Ranting as a (Warning: Ego Trip Ahead)
Weekly Humor Columnist for the Award Winning University of Delaware newspaper, The Review |
Have a comment? A suggestion? Think I need a "stern talking to" or perhaps a good Jell-O recipe? Send mail to:
JohnIsntDeadHeIsJustLazy(AT)niftyness.com |
Yeah yeah yeah, so maybe I don't have a big obnoxious floating mailbox icon or a big dog head that barks "send email," but this will just have to do.....:)
Have you been in the Black Hole of Niftyness yet? See if you can find it!
-- This page was most recently crammed full of even more amusing material on 5/28/04 --
Stay tuned for: a screensaver, a film clip, and a new adventure soon! Bookmark today!
Things recently duct-taped to the page: HSBT6
This page best viewed with
your head tilted wayyyyy to the right. More...more...MORE...perfect.
of my ramblings are kinda sort of copyrighted by me, so don't be a thief.
The official copyright notice of The Realm of Niftyness. (C) 1997-2004
Oh, and if you can only see this text on a blank white page, then
reload the page, because your browser just loaded the page incorrectly.